I am now 26 weeks pregnant - the final week of my second trimester! On Saturday, I'll be on the home stretch. Baby girl is now about 15 inches long - approximately the size of a cucumber, and weights just over 2lbs. That's double her weight from just 4 weeks ago. It's not hard to tell she is growing as my belly is rapidly expanding to keep up.
Baby girl's hearing is progressing as the network of nerves to her ears are maturing. Sounds are muffled but by now we should be able to recognize both Ron and my voice. As silly as it seems, we both spend time talking to her and sometimes singing to her, and in the next few days I plan to start reading to her.
Her taste buds are developed now and she can actually taste the different flavours of the foods I eat. That's even more motivation to eat well...although I have a feeling she is quickly going to grow fond of chocolate ice cream during this heat wave we are getting in Toronto.
I'm still amazed every day by this miracle developing inside me and I cannot believe that in less than 14 weeks I will get to meet her.
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